Tried to use as much contrast as possible, while still maintaining realism. Wanted to make the the windows distinguish as much as possible form the buildings.
Close up of Olu. background really makes his face stand out. One photo is slightly darker than the other which softens the background making his face stand out more. Used 35 mm film.
Several attempts at solarization. Photos taken with 35 mm film. Used old photos to see how solarization would effect the photos in contrast to regular printing. Whites turned blue, and grays became cloudy. First attempt went crazier, and second was a more consolidated effect.
Panoramic of a tree and surrounding foliage, done with 1 roll of medium format film. Photos taped together to produce the entire image. Done with Holga, creates an interesting effect.
Some black and white prints. Did what I could to make them as contrasty as possible, while still seeming realistic. All done with a Holga. Came out pretty good.
Friday, October 16, 2009
MoRe PiCsZ. Digital + photoshop. Experimenting with colors, finding
Some sunsets off a long island shore. Light spreads well nice across the water. Did what i could to enhance the effects of this red light, but wanted it to remain natural. Clouds are illuminated in an interesting way.